What are DCCs?

    DCCs are fees to help municipalities recover the costs of off-site infrastructure needed to support growth and are one of the many tools the City uses to fund capital projects. They are paid by applicants who obtain subdivision approval or a building permit authorizing construction of additional units than what is currently permitted on the property.

    Why do DCC's need to be updated?

    In addition to the fact that it’s been almost 10 years since the last DCC update, cost adjustments based on external market factors have been included in the draft DCC program and reflect the substantial increases in construction costs over the past years. The updated rate increase will ensure that growth continues to fairly and equitably pay for the portion of the cost resulting from growth. 

    What capital projects are funded by DCC's?

    Capital projects related to roads, sanitary, drainage, water, parkland acquisition and improvement are eligible to receive DCCs. 

    In addition, Bill 46 was recently endorsed through the Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act and now allows fire protection facilities, policing facilities, and solid waste and recycling facilities to be eligible for DCCs. 

    In support of this amendment, staff reviewed the potential project list and have incorporated these facilities projects into the draft DCC program. Staff expect that the City of White Rock will be one of the first municipalities to take their major DCC update to the Ministry for approval with these facilities incorporated into the program.

    When do the new rates take effect?

    New rates will be effective 6-months after the adoption of the bylaw. However, projects that are in-stream have a one-year period where the old DCC rates will continue to apply. The one-year period for in-stream projects applies to: 

    • Subdivisions in process (and with complete applications and fees paid at the time of bylaw adoption) 

    • Building permits, rezoning and development permits (with complete applications and fees paid at the time of bylaw adoption)

    Planning for the Future

    The report includes a list of projects needed over the long term, based on the city's overall plans for development and infrastructure and was developed utilizing the most recent master plans for each DCC category, including the Water Master Plan, Sanitary Master Plan, Drainage Master Plan, Integrated Transportation & Infrastructure Master Plan and the Parks & Recreation Master Plan.