Are dogs allowed on the White Rock Promenade?
Dogs are allowed on the White Rock Promenade between Oct. 1, 2019 and
March 31, 2020 as part of a pilot project called Dogs on the Promenade.
When did City Council approve the Dogs on the Promenade pilot project?
The Dogs on the Promenade pilot project was first approved by City Council in February 2019.
Did the City of White Rock consult with residents?
Survey results presented to Council showed that nearly 76 per cent of 1,388 respondents were in favour of dogs on the promenade. Of those 1,388 respondents, 63 per cent own a dog.
The city received more than 50 written or emailed pieces from residents on the issue.
Are dogs allowed on the White Rock Pier?
How are you ensuring pet owners pick up after their dogs?
Bylaw officers regularly visit the Promenade. Bylaw information can be found here.
The fine for not picking up after your dog is $150. To report bylaw violations, contact 604-541-2146.
What happens after March 31, 2020?
The bylaw indicates that dogs will not be allowed on the Promenade starting April 1, 2020. The Dogs on the Promenade Task Force will measure the success of the pilot project and report to City Council in 2020 with the task force’s findings and input.
If the pilot is successful, and Council gives its approval, dogs will be allowed on White Rock’s promenade from Oct. 1 to March 31 each year.