Housing Needs Report Received by Council
On November 22, 2021 White Rock Council adopted the City's first-ever Housing Needs Report (HNR). The Report recognizes six (6) key areas of local housing need and includes a summary of demographic and housing-related data, as well as the results of a series of public engagement activities held between January and July, 2021.
The six areas of local housing need recognized in the HNR include:
- Affordable Ownership Housing;
- Rental Housing;
- Special Needs Housing;
- Seniors Housing;
- Family Housing; and
- Shelters and Housing for People At-Risk of Homelessness.
Each of the areas of housing need are described further in a corporate report (link) and the HNR itself (see Documents on right). The Housing Needs Report includes the information required by the Province through B.C. Regulation 90 / 2019. As outlined in the Regulation, completed Housing Needs Reports are to be updated every five (5) years. Between each five-year period, municipalities are expected to pursue policy changes and other interventions that address areas of identified need, with the scheduled review allowing local governments, and the province, to measure the success of certain interventions. The City's Housing Advisory Committee, working with Council, will play a key role in supporting the review of options that will help address the areas of housing need identified in the HNR.
Consultation has concluded