July 12 2021

OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2387 Adopted

June 21 2021

Public Hearing for OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2387

For further details and how to participate, please visit Public Hearings and Public Meetings | White Rock, BC (whiterockcity.ca) .

May 31 2021

Council gives first and second reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2387

Prior to giving bylaw readings, the 1100-block of Elm Street (east side) was changed by Council to remain as Waterfront Village land use designation instead of changing to Mature Neighbourhood, and that development proposals in the area would be required to show consideration in their design for the heritage context of existing buildings in the area.

May 10 2021

Council adopts amendment to Town Centre CR-1 Zone

March 29 2021

Council directs preparation of OCP Amendment Bylaw

January 14 2021

Buildings Heights outside the Town Centre - Digital Public Open House

See the City's event calendar for further details: https://www.whiterockcity.ca/Calendar.aspx?EID=1941.

This virtual open house session will include a presentation and overview of the options by staff, followed by a Q&A period. The meeting will be recorded and available on the City's YouTube channel.

November 23 2020

Council direction to focus and proceed with OCP Review

On November 23, 2020, Council directed staff to amend the scope of the OCP Review to focus on the Town Centre, building heights outside the Town Centre, and the Waterfront topic areas. 

The intention is to accelerate the completion of the OCP Review following a pause in the process due to COVID-19 restrictions on public engagement. Public engagement on building heights is expected to resume in early 2021. This would be followed by Council consideration of OCP Bylaw changes, including Public Hearings for changes that are moved forward.

September 16 2020

Report on Town Centre Phase 2 Engagement and Recommendations

December 10 2019

Town Centre - Open House

We want to hear from you on proposed policy changes to help shape growth and create great public spaces in the Town Centre. At the White Rock Community Centre (Presentation Hall) from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Come share your input on draft policy directions that build on public input received at the Town Centre design workshops held in July 2019. An online survey will be available at talkwhiterock.ca for those unable to attend the public open house.
December 06 2019

Waterfront Enhancement Strategy - Pop Up Info Session

If you weren't
able to come out to the public open house for the draft Waterfront
Enhancement Strategy, here's another opportunity to learn what it's all
about and provide your feedback. Come speak with a planner and share
your thoughts, while checking out the Christmas Craft Fair at the

November 26 2019

Waterfront Enhancement Strategy - Open House

Come check out the draft Waterfront Enhancement Strategy! At the White Rock Community Centre (Art Room) from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We want to hear from you on this proposed 'road map' for City actions and initiatives over the next 10-20 years in the Waterfront / Marine Drive area. Attendees will be asked to act as 'Mayor for the Day', by using play money to share how you would budget resources on the top Waterfront issues as identified through previous public and business consultation. We will also ask for your thoughts on the value and effectiveness of specific proposed initiatives in the Strategy. A full copy of the draft Strategy is available in the documents library, and if you are unable to attend either November 24 or November 26, an online survey will be available.
November 24 2019

Waterfront Enhancement Strategy - Open House

Come check out the draft Waterfront Enhancement Strategy! At the White Rock Community Centre (Art Room) from 2:00pm-5:00pm. We want to hear from you on this proposed 'road map' for City actions and initiatives over the next 10-20 years in the Waterfront / Marine Drive area. Attendees will be asked to act as 'Mayor for the Day', by using play money to share how you would budget resources on the top Waterfront issues as identified through previous public and business consultation. We will also ask for your thoughts on the value and effectiveness of specific proposed initiatives in the Strategy. A full copy of the draft Strategy is available in the documents library, and if you are unable to attend either November 24 or November 26, an online survey will be available.
July 23 2019

Waterfront Design Workshops

2:00pm to 4:00pm (for businesses), 6:30pm-8:30pm (all public), at the White Rock Community Centre

This workshop-style event is a chance to roll up your sleeves and use your creative ideas to shape the future of the City's Waterfront / Marine Drive area, with a design team and other members of the community.
July 09 2019

Town Centre Design Workshop #2

5:00pm to 9:00pm at the White Rock Community Centre.

The workshop is open to the public and there will be display boards and interactive activities for all attendees with no need to register.

For those interested in a more hands-on session facilitated by our design consultants, there will be two activities which require registration, in order to ensure there is enough time for all participants at the table to contribute.

The activities which require registration are 'Design Town Centre' and 'Build Town Centre'.

'Design Town Centre' is a graphic facilitated table station where participants will share their ideas and input for the Town Centre in a plan view (two-dimensional).
'Build Town Centre' is a model block facilitated table station where participants can use the blocks to explore their ideas for building heights, open spaces and massing for future development in the Town Centre (three-dimensional).

There will be three rounds where both 'Design' and 'Build' activities are going at the same time. You can register for one, or both of the activities. The options are:

Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 5:20-6:20pm
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 6:30-7:30pm
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 7:40-8:40pm

Please register by emailing planning@whiterockcity.ca with your preferred date/time slot and activity by July 5, 2019. If you register for a time slot that is at capacity, we will respond with alternative times that are still available.
July 06 2019

Town Centre Design Workshop

1:00pm to 5:00pm at the White Rock Community Centre.

The workshop is open to the public and there will be display boards and interactive activities for all attendees with no need to register.

For those interested in a more hands-on session facilitated by our design consultants, there will be two activities which require registration, in order to ensure there is enough time for all participants at the table to contribute.

The activities which require registration are 'Design Town Centre' and 'Build Town Centre'.

'Design Town Centre' is a graphic facilitated table station where participants will share their ideas and input for the Town Centre in a plan view (two-dimensional).
'Build Town Centre' is a model block facilitated table station where participants can use the blocks to explore their ideas for building heights, open spaces and massing for future development in the Town Centre (three-dimensional).

There will be three rounds at the workshop where both 'Design' and 'Build' activities are going at the same time. You can register for one or both of the activities. The options are:

Saturday, July 6, 2019 - 1:20-2:20pm
Saturday, July 6, 2019 - 2:30-3:30pm
Saturday, July 6, 2019 - 3:40-4:40pm

Please register by emailing planning@whiterockcity.ca with your preferred date/time slot and activity by July 5, 2019. If you register for a time slot that is at capacity, we will respond with alternative times that are still available.
June 27 2019

Waterfront Community Forum (Waterfront Enhancement Strategy)

7:30pm to 9:00pm at the White Rock Community Centre.
June 25 2019

Public Open House (OCP Review)

5:00pm to 8:00pm at the White Rock Community Centre.
March 11 2019

4th Report on OCP review - updated scope and process

February 11 2019

3rd Report on OCP review - implications for including Town Centre

December 10 2018

2nd Report on OCP review - proposed scope

November 23 2018

1st Report on OCP review - process and scope considerations

November 07 2018

Council asks for options to review OCP

October 23 2017

Current OCP Bylaw No. 2220 Adopted