Transportation Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
Thank you for your input for the Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP). The plan has been officially adopted by Council and can be read on the City's website,
Update on the Project and Engagement
The White Rock Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan Team is excited to share the draft of the Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP). Building on what we heard during the first phase of the engagement, this long-term plan will guide decisions related to transportation and infrastructure in White Rock over the next twenty years.
The draft plan was informed by the input received in Phase One of the engagement. The Issues & Opportunities Survey was open from Dec. 9, 2020 to Feb. 3, 2021, and the respondents shared their priorities for the outcomes for the ITIMP and for White Rock’s Transportation system.
Thank you for your input for the Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP). The plan has been officially adopted by Council and can be read on the City's website,
Update on the Project and Engagement
The White Rock Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan Team is excited to share the draft of the Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP). Building on what we heard during the first phase of the engagement, this long-term plan will guide decisions related to transportation and infrastructure in White Rock over the next twenty years.
The draft plan was informed by the input received in Phase One of the engagement. The Issues & Opportunities Survey was open from Dec. 9, 2020 to Feb. 3, 2021, and the respondents shared their priorities for the outcomes for the ITIMP and for White Rock’s Transportation system.
March 3, 2021 - ITMP Survey Results
Thank you for completing the survey regarding issues and opportunities related to transportation in White Rock.
The results of the survey are available here were presented to City Council on Monday, February 22, 2021. The information will form part of the City's Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan.
January 2021 - Have ideas about the future of transportation in White Rock? Tell the City
The City of White Rock is developing an Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP) to help address current transportation challenges and shape the future of transportation in White Rock. The final Master Plan will include key themes such as walking, cycling, access to transit, neighbourhood parking, driving and truck traffic, and traffic safety. It will provide a long-term strategic plan that will guide transportation and infrastructure decisions for the next 20 years.
Transportation decisions affect our community’s health, environment, and economy. An efficient transportation network ensures community members can safely move in and around White Rock. Transportation also plays a key role in our daily lives and has real implications on our quality of life. When moving around our city is easy – no matter what mode of transportation you’re using – we can spend more time doing the things that are important to us.
As we launch the consultation process for the ITIMP, it is important to acknowledge the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges many residents are experiencing. The official consultation launch was previously scheduled for the spring of 2020. To keep the community safe and help slow down the spread of COVID-19, consultation for this project was put on hold. The project team continued to advance the planning process by undertaking an existing conditions technical review to identify issues and opportunities related to transportation. With in-person restrictions ongoing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is now providing opportunities for virtual consultation.
Get Involved!As we look to the future, your ideas, concerns, and suggestions will assist the project team in its planning efforts. We invite all White Rock residents to get involved by completing our online issues and opportunities survey. We will be collecting input to confirm the issues currently faced, understand how the COVID-19 pandemic may have changed transportation habits, and get your feedback on the draft vision, goals, and early direction of White Rock’s Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan.
January 2021 - Background
The Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan is an update to White Rock’s previous transportation plan, the 2014 Strategic Transportation Plan. Fast forward six years and a lot has changed in White Rock, the region, and around the world. White Rock is now home to 21,000 people, and the population is expected to reach approximately 27,000 people by 2045. The City also has a growing number of seniors, making it crucial that White Rock is accessible for people of all ages and abilities. An update to our Official Community Plan in 2017 reflects this growth, calling for improvements to the transportation network. Meanwhile, TransLink is developing Transport2050, an updated Regional Transportation Strategy that will impact transportation across Metro Vancouver. Finally, the City has committed to taking action to address the climate emergency, supporting the Metro Vancouver Climate 2050 Strategic Framework target of creating a carbon neutral region by 2050.
Transportation contributes over half of all greenhouse gas emissions in White Rock and approximately 45 per cent region-wide, making this Master Plan critical for achieving these sustainability targets. Currently, about 80 per cent of all trips made by White Rock residents are by car, so encouraging the use of sustainable transportation modes like walking, cycling, and transit is now more important than ever. Additionally, there are a number of new and emerging transportation modes that may impact White Rock residents now, and in the future, including electric vehicles, ride hailing, bike and scooter share systems, and even autonomous vehicles. All of this must be planned for, while ensuring that private motor vehicles and trucks are still able to efficiently move people and goods. We want to create a safe, intuitive, and sustainable transportation network that allows all residents to get to where they need to go.
Who's Listening
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Project Timeline
Phase 1: Project Launch
Transportation Master Plan has finished this stageProject Launch involved collecting and reviewing relevant background information and data, conducting traffic counts, and developing the base travel demand model.
Phase 2: Defining our Vision
Transportation Master Plan has finished this stageDefining our Vision involved preparing a detailed understanding of the City’s existing transportation system, identifying current issues and opportunities for the road, transit, pedestrian, and cycling networks, as well as developing a shared vision for White Rock’s transportation system.
Phase 3: Exploring What’s Possible
Transportation Master Plan has finished this stageExploring What’s Possible involved exploring the possibilities for each mode of transportation individually before developing an integrated plan that reflects the aspirations and directions for each mode.
Phase 4: Refining Options
Transportation Master Plan has finished this stageRefining Options involves selecting preferred options for each mode of transportation and developing a recommended long-term plan.
Phase 5: Moving Forward
Transportation Master Plan is currently at this stageMoving Forward involves developing the Final Plan, including an implementation and funding strategy that will ensure that the Plan is affordable and implementable.