Official Community Plan (OCP) Review
Consultation has concluded
Our Official Community Plan (OCP) is the city's blueprint for managing change to achieve our shared goals. It contains policies that guide Council's 'land-use' decisions for where and how we grow in the future, helping to conserve what we love about the city as well as improve the quality of life for current and future residents.
An OCP is typically reviewed every five years to ensure it remains relevant and continues to meet the needs of the community, but changes to the OCP can be considered by Council in between major updates. Council has expressed their desire for re-engagement withContinue reading
Our Official Community Plan (OCP) is the city's blueprint for managing change to achieve our shared goals. It contains policies that guide Council's 'land-use' decisions for where and how we grow in the future, helping to conserve what we love about the city as well as improve the quality of life for current and future residents.
An OCP is typically reviewed every five years to ensure it remains relevant and continues to meet the needs of the community, but changes to the OCP can be considered by Council in between major updates. Council has expressed their desire for re-engagement with the public on certain aspects of the current OCP which was adopted in October 2017, to ensure that it reflects the community's values. Initial public engagement on several aspects of the OCP was undertaken in 2019, however due to the restrictions on in-person public engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic this engagement was paused.
In November 2020, Council directed staff to resume engagement on the OCP Review, with a focus on reviewing building heights, particularly in the Town Centre, outside the Town Centre and in the waterfront areas. This consultation has primarily been done through virtual methods (online and paper surveys, and digital open houses) while public health restrictions remain on public gatherings.
The City has worked with the public to get feedback and make sure the community's aspirations and concerns were understood and shared with Council before they made decisions on changing the OCP.
In March 2021, following Council's review of the input from public engagement, direction was given to prepare amendments to the Official Community Plan. These changes were on the Land Use and Planning Committee agenda for May 31, 2021, and the OCP Amendment Bylaw was given first and second reading, as amended. A public hearing for the Bylaw was held to receive input from the community on June 21, 2021, and the Bylaw was given third reading, as amended, and finally adopted on July 12, 2021.
The new consolidated OCP Bylaw can be downloaded from the City's website ( or the Documents Library on the right-hand side of this page.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
We want to hear from you! An Official Community Plan (OCP) is the city's blueprint for managing change to achieve our shared goals. It contains policies that guide Council's 'land-use' decisions for where and how we grow in the future, helping to conserve what we love about the city as well as improve the quality of life for current and future residents. The OCP Review seeks to ensure that this important policy document is in alignment with the values, priorities, and aspirations of the community. While not all communities have OCPs with policies that guide building heights, it is recognized as an important topic in White Rock and is currently in our OCP; re-examining the policies for this important issue is part of the OCP Review.
This survey builds on feedback that was provided in Phase 1 of the OCP Review, and presents options for revising the maximum building heights in the OCP for three areas in the community: the primarily apartment neighbourhoods east and west of the Town Centre (the "Town Centre Transition" areas), the "Waterfront Village" area (both West Beach and East Beach), and a section of the area east of Peace Arch Hospital. The map of these "Outside the Town Centre" areas, also included below, can be downloaded by clicking HERE.
Options for the Town Centre area itself (red area below) have been considered in a separate process, and more information about the Town Centre changes can be read in the staff report by clicking HERE. Future changes to the Town Centre development bylaws will be brought forward in Winter/Spring 2021.
A digital open house on January 14, 2021, including a presentation on the topic and options, was recorded and is available for viewing on the City's YouTube channel at the following link:
The following pages provide an overview of the options and you will be asked to choose which option for the above areas, if any, you prefer, or if you have another alternative. There is also space on the survey to share additional thoughts or ideas you have on the topic. The survey has three main pages and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on whether you choose to type any additional thoughts.
This survey will be open until February 12, 2021 and the results will be shared with Council in a future report. Any changes to the OCP Bylaw would involve a Public Hearing as an additional opportunity for the public to share their opinions with Council before a final decision is made.
Additional background information:
- A summary of the overall public engagement that happened during Phase 1 of the OCP Review can be downloaded by clicking HERE (note this is a large, 60MB PDF file).
- For context on the locations of taller (ie., 4+ storey) existing or approved apartment or commercial buildings in White Rock, a map identifying these heights (in storeys) can be downloaded by clicking HERE (note: this map does not include all existing 4-storey apartment buildings).
The information on this electronic form is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165, s. 26(e). The information will be used for evaluating public opinion for future updates to the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw. By submitting this electronic form, you are consenting to its collection and use. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact the Director of Corporate Administration, White Rock City Hall, 15322 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock, BC, V4B 1Y6, Tel. 604-541-2100
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Welcome! Through the hands-on public Design Workshops in July 2019 and a previous survey, we've heard lots of ideas from the community on how to improve our Town Centre area.
The consulting team working on the project has used this input to propose 12 Policy Recommendations related to the design of buildings and public spaces and amenities for the community, and we are looking for feedback on the options. In this survey you will be asked to share your level of support or non-support for the options, along with any other comments you have on each Policy Recommendation. There are three main themes of recommendations: A Green Town Centre, A Strong and Connected Community, and A Vibrant Sense of Place.
The display boards that were used at the open house on December 10, 2019 are available to download in the Documents Library if you would like further background information or the full resolution illustrations and images.
We know some of you will have extra thoughts about the Town Centre that don't fit in exactly with the questionnaire. There is an open ended question at the end where you can share your ideas and observations.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Welcome! We've heard lots of ideas from the community on how to make our Waterfront even better, and from that input a draft Waterfront Enhancement Strategy has been created. Now we want you to tell us what decisions you would make if you were 'Mayor for the Day.'
You'll be asked to consider the 5 Pillars (major areas/themes for improvement) identified in the Strategy, and share how you would distribute resources among those areas. If you had $100 to spend in total, would you use $70 on Improving Accessibility and $30 on Creating All-Season Programming and Activities, or would you spend some also on Strengthening Waterfront Business and Character, Enhancing the Environment and Culture, or Expanding Activities for All Ages? This will help us understand what matters the most to you.
We know some of you will have extra thoughts about the Waterfront that don't fit in exactly with the 5 Pillars and proposed projects. There is an open ended question at the end where you can share your ideas and observations.While the survey describes what is in the draft Strategy so that you have information to be able to answer, the entire draft Strategy is in the Documents Library on this website if you would like further background information or the illustrations and images related to the initiatives.By completing this survey you will be automatically entered in a draw to win a $50 VISA gift card. A name will be selected at random from those who entered at the open houses and those who submitted online surveys, and the odds of winning will depend on the number of entries. The selected person will need to enter a skill-testing question to receive the prize. -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The City of White Rock is kicking off a review of our Official Community Plan (OCP), and before we get off to the races we want to hear from you to make sure we are on track.
This quick survey will help shape our upcoming events and how we share information with you, to make it easy for all those in the community to participate in the OCP Review, from kick-off until the finish.
We also want your early thoughts and ideas on the topics we will be reviewing, so we can better understand what is important to you.
Document Library
- Consolidated OCP Bylaw (incorporating Bylaw 2387 Amendments) (15.9 MB) (pdf)
- OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2387 (at 1st and 2nd Reading) (18.9 MB) (pdf)
- 2021-03-08 - Report - Building Heights Survey Results (1 MB) (pdf)
- 2021-02-08 - Report - Town Centre (Phase 3) CR-1 Zone Amendment Bylaw.pdf (1.33 MB) (pdf)
- 2021-01-11 - Report - Phase 2 Public Input on Building Heights outside the Town Centre (1.48 MB) (pdf)
- 2020-09-16 - Report - Town Centre Phase 2 Recommendations (15.6 MB) (pdf)
- 2020-03-09 - Report - OCP Review - Update on Public Consultation.pdf (6.3 MB) (pdf)
- December 10, 2019 Town Centre Open House Posters (8.03 MB) (pdf)
- November 24 & 26, 2019 Waterfront Open House Posters (4.62 MB) (pdf)
- OCP Review - Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary (60.2 MB) (pdf)
- Draft Waterfront Enhancement Strategy (9.1 MB) (pdf)
- July 6 & 9, 2019 Town Centre Design Workshop Posters (7.91 MB) (pdf)
- June 25, 2019 Public Open House Posters (20.2 MB) (pdf)
- Waterfront Enhancement Strategy Draft Resource Book (71.2 MB) (pdf)
- Current Official Community Plan (Bylaw No. 2220) - Consolidated
- Official Community Plans - Provincial Fact Page
Who's listening
Key Dates
July 12 2021
June 21 2021
May 31 2021
May 10 2021
Key Dates
December 10 2019
December 06 2019
Document Library
- Bylaw No. 2387 (at 1st and 2nd Reading) (18.9 MB) (pdf)
- OCP Review - Phase 2 - Building Heights Survey Results Report (15.3 MB) (pdf)
- December 10, 2019 Town Centre Open House Posters (8.03 MB) (pdf)
- November 24 & 26, 2019 Waterfront Open House Posters (4.62 MB) (pdf)
- OCP Review - Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary (60.2 MB) (pdf)
- Draft Waterfront Enhancement Strategy (9.1 MB) (pdf)