Zoning Bylaw Update

Consultation has concluded


City staff are currently reviewing the City of White Rock's Zoning Bylaw, which was adopted in 2013 (see current Bylaw via "Important Links"). A Zoning Bylaw sets rules that determine how land can be used and how much of that land can be developed with buildings and structures. Zoning helps to support compatibility by, for example, separating industry from housing. Zoning can also be used to set limits that help to maintain the overall character of development in a neighbourhood. The on-going zoning review will address general housekeeping matters, such as the clarity of standards and ease of interpretation, while also allowing us to explore opportunities to provide:

  • More opportunities for secondary suites and coach homes;
  • Improved functionality of loading space design;
  • Increased supply requirements for electric vehicles in multi-family developments;
  • New requirements for multi-unit residential parking and short term bicycle parking;
  • Additional spaces for tree-planting and natural landscaping;
  • New requirements for supplying private amenity space in multi-family development;
  • A more compatible scale of housing in mature neighbourhoods; and
  • Alignment of the Zoning Bylaw with recent changes to building heights in the CR-3 and CR-4 zones in the Official Community Plan.

Our Process & Ways to Engage

In reviewing these opportunities staff have started to prepare draft amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. These drafts will be shared through this webpage as a series of "key issue" summaries (see "Documents" to the right). A Questions tool has also been added to provide you with an opportunity to ask planning staff questions about the zoning bylaw update and draft amendments. We will also be seeking your Ideas as themes emerge through an on-going dialogue.

Digital Open House

The digital "public open house," part of the Zoning Bylaw Review, presented proposed draft changes for topics such as landscaping, the scale of housing in residential neighbourhoods, and accessory residential uses.

Click the link below to watch the Open House hosted virtually on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.:

Click here to view a recording of the Open House or visit our City of White Rock YouTube Channel

Staff have compiled comments and feedback received from residents during the Open House event into an Engagement Summary (see "Documents" to the right). This Engagement Summary will be part of a report that is submitted to White Rock City Council and helps staff determine if additional engagement opportunities are needed as it relates to the Zoning Bylaw Review. The input received by staff will also help determine which draft changes are supported by residents and which topics residents would like to learn more about.

Stay Tuned

Please monitor this page for more information and new opportunities to engage as they become available.


City staff are currently reviewing the City of White Rock's Zoning Bylaw, which was adopted in 2013 (see current Bylaw via "Important Links"). A Zoning Bylaw sets rules that determine how land can be used and how much of that land can be developed with buildings and structures. Zoning helps to support compatibility by, for example, separating industry from housing. Zoning can also be used to set limits that help to maintain the overall character of development in a neighbourhood. The on-going zoning review will address general housekeeping matters, such as the clarity of standards and ease of interpretation, while also allowing us to explore opportunities to provide:

  • More opportunities for secondary suites and coach homes;
  • Improved functionality of loading space design;
  • Increased supply requirements for electric vehicles in multi-family developments;
  • New requirements for multi-unit residential parking and short term bicycle parking;
  • Additional spaces for tree-planting and natural landscaping;
  • New requirements for supplying private amenity space in multi-family development;
  • A more compatible scale of housing in mature neighbourhoods; and
  • Alignment of the Zoning Bylaw with recent changes to building heights in the CR-3 and CR-4 zones in the Official Community Plan.

Our Process & Ways to Engage

In reviewing these opportunities staff have started to prepare draft amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. These drafts will be shared through this webpage as a series of "key issue" summaries (see "Documents" to the right). A Questions tool has also been added to provide you with an opportunity to ask planning staff questions about the zoning bylaw update and draft amendments. We will also be seeking your Ideas as themes emerge through an on-going dialogue.

Digital Open House

The digital "public open house," part of the Zoning Bylaw Review, presented proposed draft changes for topics such as landscaping, the scale of housing in residential neighbourhoods, and accessory residential uses.

Click the link below to watch the Open House hosted virtually on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.:

Click here to view a recording of the Open House or visit our City of White Rock YouTube Channel

Staff have compiled comments and feedback received from residents during the Open House event into an Engagement Summary (see "Documents" to the right). This Engagement Summary will be part of a report that is submitted to White Rock City Council and helps staff determine if additional engagement opportunities are needed as it relates to the Zoning Bylaw Review. The input received by staff will also help determine which draft changes are supported by residents and which topics residents would like to learn more about.

Stay Tuned

Please monitor this page for more information and new opportunities to engage as they become available.

Consultation has concluded
  • Bicycle Parking

    City staff have proposed changes to the standards for short-term bicycle parking to ensure supply requirements are consistent with other municipalities in Metro Vancouver. Proposed changes improve design standards to ensure that short-term bicycle parking is protected from the elements and located in well-lit areas to address safety concerns.

    Here is a direct link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/66437

  • Amenity Space Requirements

    Changes have been proposed to the Zoning Bylaw to include requirements for amenity spaces in multi-unit residential developments. This will ensure that all new apartments and townhouses have access to indoor or outdoor amenity spaces, with the goal of enhancing the livability of residential developments. The standards proposed for the Zoning Bylaw include requirements for outdoor amenity spaces for both private and common use, as well as indoor amenity spaces for common use by all residents. The proposed standards also include an exemption for rental tenure housing whereby the calculation of density (gross floor area) does not include common indoor amenity spaces. This will ensure that those renting an apartment can still access common indoor amenity spaces, without needed reductions in rental units to accommodate such spaces.

    Here is a direct link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/65537

  • Landscaped Open Space

    City staff have proposed Zoning Bylaw amendments to introduce minimum landscaping standards in residential and commercial zones to improve permeability, reduce surface water pollution, and enhance the aesthetic of residential outdoor spaces along City streets.

    Here is a direct link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/64708

  • Off-Street Loading Spaces and Electric Vehicle Parking

    Changes have been proposed to off-street loading spaces and electric vehicle parking standards in the Zoning Bylaw. Proposed amendments to off-street loading spaces have also been introduced to provide more adequate supply rates for commercial and institutional land uses, and proposed amendments also identify additional design requirements for efficient loading and unloading of materials on private property.

    Here is the link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/64337

    Changes to electric vehicle parking have been prepared by the City of White Rock Environmental Advisory Committee after background review of provincial policies and municipal policies in other cities in Metro Vancouver.

    Here is the link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/64336

  • Accessory Residential Uses

    Accessory residential uses have been reviewed as part of the Zoning Bylaw Update with the goal of providing more flexibility for homeowners while attempting to improve the diversity of housing types in White Rock. The City has completed a “key issues” summary document for accessory residential uses, which covers the following topics: home occupation, secondary suites, coach houses, bed & breakfasts, and short term rentals. Please review this document, attached to the right under “Documents”, for background information on the topics, key themes and reasons for amendments, and draft changes to bylaw definitions and zone provisions (rules).

    Here is a direct link to the topic summary: https://www.talkwhiterock.ca/24768/widgets/100139/documents/68528

    Did you know?

    BC Housing recently published a report outlining best practices and key findings for the implementation of accessory dwelling units. The report includes case studies from 105 small and medium-size communities in BC, and outlines the innovative ways that municipalities are encouraging accessory dwelling units as a sustainable, affordable, and diverse housing option. To view the report, click the link here, or, navigate to the right under "Important Links".